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GOP To Go Nuclear To Repeal Obamacare


In a move that signals the GOP may finally be doing what was promised during the last several elections, the Senate may use a powerful procedure called reconciliation in order to prevent a bill that ends the President’s signature liberal achievement from being filibustered. This technique can only be used in certain circumstances; but since it was used by the Democrats to get Obamacare passed, the GOP should have no problem using the same measure to defeat the extremely unpopular program.

The left leaning media outlet Politico reports:

Senate Republicans want to use a powerful budget maneuver known as reconciliation to go after President Barack Obama’s health care law — particularly if the Supreme Court strikes down key provisions of Obamacare this June.

Using the fast-tracking procedure offers some advantage for Republicans, largely because a reconciliation package can’t be filibustered.

Of course, President Obama will veto this legislation.  However, the American public will then have further evidence that this unpopular health care law is all the fault of the Democratic Party and could help tee-up the election of a Republican president in 2016.

Politico continues:

The plans were included in a budget blueprint rolled out Wednesday by the Senate Budget Committee — a governing document that calls for balancing the budget within a decade, extracting hundreds of billions in savings from Medicare and turning over more responsibility to the states to run Medicaid, reducing costs even further.

“Make no mistake, our fiscal outlook is grim and has been ignored for far too long,” said the budget panel’s chairman, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) said as he unveiled the document. “But we have a profound moral responsibility to help hardworking taxpayers see the true picture of our country’s finances.”

It seems that the GOP may be serious about taking care of the nation’s finances once and for all if we can get a governing mandate in the next election cycle. With our sovereign debt approaching $20 trillion and climbing, 2016 won’t be a moment too late.

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